

Have a great read everyone! (:

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Tithe and Be Blessed

“Well, then,” he said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.”  Matthew 22:21

10 - 20 - 70. This is how I live my life. I tithe 10% of my income to the Lord, save 20% and live in 70%.

Tithing is giving back to God what belongs to God. If you come to think of it, everything belongs to God. All our successes, our breakthroughs, all of them comes from the Lord. It is really good of Him to just ask us of 10% for He knew we need the 80% in order to live a decent life. He didn't ask us to give 50% or 90% of our income to Him. He just asked us to give a very small percentage. But we are so selfish that even the 10% we cannot give to him.

Tithing is not for the Lord. Tithing is for us. When one tithes, he learns how to be generous in face of scarcity. And in being generous, one will learn to believe that more than losing, he gains something. One will also learn how to give without expecting anything in return. Giving in faith, as they say. 

I was able to pay all my debts and tithe at the same time. I was able to buy what I want and still tithe. I was broke financially and still tithe. I believe that there are no excuses for those who really want to do it. 

The day I started tithing, abundance flows into my life. The Lord is really true to His word. You give 10% of your income to the Lord and He will give 200% in return.

Brothers & Sisters, I encourage you to tithe. Faithfully give your tithe to God and witness the miracles of prosperity and abundance to flow into all areas of your life.

Here are simple tips in Tithing (Hope this helps :) ):
   1. Tithe 10 % of your income. But if your generous enough to give more, then give more. I dreamt that one day, I will be able to tithe, at least 50% of my income to God. :)

   2. Tithe continuously even in times of scarcity. When I started tithing, it is really difficult to give 10% especially that I am so broke. But I learned that it is during these ungodly times that we tithe more. When we times during this difficult times, it is as if, we are telling the Lord that He is our great provider and we trust in Him completely.

   3. Encourage others to tithe. Teach them how to tithe and tell them how tithing bless your life.

Joane Nicole

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